the biblical mindset

the Biblical mindset is not simply one that includes God somewhere in the universe and says that the Bible is true. the Biblical mindset begins with a radically different starting point, namely, God. God is the basic given reality in the universe. He was there before we were in existence--or before anything was in existence. He is simply the most absolute reality. and so the Biblical mindset starts with the assumption that God is the center of reality. all thinking then starts with the conviction that God has basic rights as the Creator of all things. He has goals that fit with his nature and perfect character. then the Biblical mindset moves out from this center and interprets the world, with God and his rights and goals at the center as the measure of all things. and what the Biblical mindset sees as basic problems in the universe are usually not the same problems that the secular mindset sees. because what makes a problem is not first what fits the rights and needs of man but what fits the rights and goals of God.

- john piper

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